How to get gradient ramp after effects cs6 free download
How to get gradient ramp after effects cs6 free download

how to get gradient ramp after effects cs6 free download

Now you should see something similar to what you're after, with the middle of the globe fully transparent and a gradient to the edge of the globe at full opacity.On the globe layer, next to blending mode, select the track matte Luma Inverted Matte.Now back in to main comp, place the gradient layer above the globe layer.Inside that comp (if you double click it) should look something like this: Pre-comp this solid layer (important!), right click the layer and select Pre-Compose, make sure you select "move all attributes in to the new composition".Place the black position off to the side, changing the distance from white to make the white circle a little larger than your globe (adjust this later).Place the White position in the middle, where the middle of your globe is.Then apply Gradient Ramp (Effects -> Gradient Ramp).Create a new solid, the size of your comp, make it black.If i've understood what you want to achieve correctly, you should be able to do this with a Gradient Ramp on a Solid layer, using it as an Alpha / Luma mask on your globe. P.s I'm new to after effects so step by step help would be really great! Thanks very much for looking, any help would be great. Hope this is clear enough, apologies if this has been covered before but after a lot of googleing I haven't found the answer! I'd also like this effect to apply to several layers (8 through 12). What I want is the edge of the globe at 100% opacity and the centre at 0% without interfering with the transparent background with solids or masks. Most of the image is transparent and is on a CC sphere effect as you can see on the attached screenshot (I turned the transparency grid off to make the globe more visible, everything black is transparent, the layer I am working on is the globe). The image originated in photoshop and was imported as footage.

how to get gradient ramp after effects cs6 free download

I have tried gradient ramp but this effect has no opacity controls, I have also tried creating a shape layer and using luma matte under TrkMat and a number of other failed attempts. I'm trying to achieve the same effect as if I were working with a shape layer and changed the fill options however this is not possible on this layer type. I'm trying to create a radial opacity gradient in After effects CC 2015.

How to get gradient ramp after effects cs6 free download